At a glance: Income Insurance - Accident and Sickness


Humania Assurance offers you a new income insurance experience.

3 Distinct plans:

  • Essential Plan
  • Superior Plan
  • Elite Plan

In a few clicks, you will know if you are accepted for accident insurance. Thereafter, to validate the eligibility for sickness coverage, a medical and lifestyle questionnaire will be completed during a tele-interview. Also note that additional medical requirements may be requested depending on the age of the insured and the amount of insurance.


IMPORTANT: if you are not eligible for sickness protection, the accident only (Essential Plan) will be offered.


Available for individuals aged 18 to 64, this insurance can be taken out by those who are working (self-employed, full-time, part-time or seasonal) and by those who are not (students, homemakers, unemployed, retirees).


Even home-based workers can get coverage. You are protected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at home, at work or elsewhere. You will have coverage regardless of the type of work you do.


A product adapted to the needs of all Canadians at a competitive price. In addition, you can benefit from additional savings with an Employment Stability Discount for the duration of the contract.

Online E-app
3 Distinct plans
Game changing features
Online E-app
3 Distinct plans
Game changing features

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Charles Tremblay

Est du Québec


Marie-Pier Parent

Montérégie, Centre du Québec, Cantons de l’Est, Outaouais, Montréal Ouest, Ottawa

Vanessa Marquis-Medeiros

Montréal-Est, Laval, Laurentides, Lanaudière, Abitibi

Isabelle Parent


Amélie Jodoin

Vice-Présidente nationale